In life or work we sometimes come to a point when we think we may have reached our maximum. We may feel stuck or stressed out. Asking ourselves if we really live life to our fulliest of possibilities. Or we just long for life to slow down. The focus here may lie on work, or on our relationship with our partner or children.
How to change this? In working with me you will use your experiences and feelings of life or work as tool to get back on track and to develop yourself. We will take what is happening with you today to realise the possibilities of tomorrow. Together we will take the necessary steps to get there.
Process and results
In order to free yourself from stuckness you’ll need specific skills that I call meta-skills. Meta-skills are those skills that will enable you to develop yourself from your experiences. Maybe it sounds logical that one learns from experience. However that is not the case. We all have our blind spots, allergies, and old patterns. Moreover learning from what you reject or deny often is impossible. How you integrate your experiences is an important part of your development, and of your relationships.
With attention for your own process and the relational process with others around you, you will be more able to deal with your experiences. You will have a much more fluent and harmonious interaction with your environment. And coming from your power you will be more flexible in difficult circumstances and new, unfamiliar situations.
One of the most outstanding aspects of my approach is that you will be able to use the competencies and skills you already possess in a much more proficient way.