Sustainable Change And Connection

Before working as a life coach I led international programs aimed at social-ecological change for almost 20 years. Many times I saw how difficult it was for real change to take place. How systems often have their own dynamics and even lead a life of their own. Appearing someties so separate from the people and the environment for which they were created.
People are part of a larger whole. Reaching within everyone’s life for the greatest potential means that the whole eventually also will evolve to its potential. This thought inspired me to choose to work more intensively with people and less with systems. Since 2007 I have been coaching people who take on personal or professional challenges in their lives.
Mindfullness and meta-Skils

As before, the interdependence and connection of all of life still lies at the basis of my work. After all, as a life and couples coach I see how people are connected in their environment, in their relationships and with themselves. I experience how their lives will work for them when they really start paying attention to the feedback they receive from it. And through their efforts their relationships, their work-specific competences and their organizations come to reach more fully their potential.

Attention to information from your environment means life long learning. In my own professional development I realize that I stand on the shoulders of many teachers. To my work I bring my own learning from Buddhism, mind-body work (aikido), integrative work (Hoffman process, identity work, process work), transpersonal work (holotropic breathing), and relational work. In addition to being a cinematic library, my coach blog is also a thanks to teachers like Arnold and Amy Mindell, Debbie Ford, Joseph Campbell, Krishnamurti, Jung, Erich Fromm, Thomas Moore, Bob Hoffman, the Dalai Lama, and the many others who have enriched my life.
Would you like to know more about my approach or are you interested in group work or workshops? Don’t hesitate to contact me. I am curious about you and your questions.
The watercolors on this website were made by Stien Ooms