Physicist David Bohm talks about the nature of things
Bohm’s life
David Joseph Bohm (December 20, 1917 – October 27, 1992) was a British quantum physicist born in the United States who made important contributions to theoretical physics, philosophy and neuropsychology. During the war years he worked on the Manhattan Project.
The death of David Bohm on October 27, 1992 was a great loss not only for the physics community but also for all those interested in the philosophical implications of modern science. David Bohm was one of the foremost theoretical physicists of his generation and a fearless challenger to scientific orthodoxy. His interests and influence extended far beyond physics and included biology, psychology, philosophy, religion, art, and the future of society. Underlying his innovative approach to many diverse issues was the fundamental idea that behind the visible, tangible world there is a deeper implicit order of undivided wholeness.
In particular, his dialogues with Krishnamurti are pearls in the exploration of consciousness. In 30 intensive dialogues they explore aspects of our consciousness, perception and truth. How our perception is colored and how we give meaning through our experiences and judgments is beautifully treated by Bohm.
see also:
Implicit Order
Bohm believes that life and consciousness are deeply embedded in the generative order and thus present in varying degrees of unfolding in all matter, including the so-called “dead matter” such as electrons or plasmas. He claims that there is a “protointelligence” in matter, so that new evolutionary developments appear not accidentally, but creatively, as relatively integrated wholes from implicit levels of existence. The mystical significance of Bohm’s ideas is underlined by his remark that the implicit domain “might as well be called idealism, mind, consciousness. The separation of the two – matter and spirit – is an abstraction. The basis is always one’.

As with all truly great thinkers, David Bohm’s philosophical ideas were expressed in his character and lifestyle. His pupils and colleagues describe him as completely selfless and free from competition, always willing to share his latest views with others, always accessible to new ideas, and purposefully devoted to a quiet but passionate examination of the nature of reality. In the words of one of his old pupils, ‘One can only characterize him as a secular saint’.
Bohm believed that the general propensity of individuals, nations, races, social groups, etc., to view each other as fundamentally different and separate was a major source of conflict in the world. He hoped that people would eventually come to the recognition of the essential interconnectedness of all things and would join together to build a more holistic and harmonious world. What better way to honor the life and work of David Bohm than to take this message to heart and make the ideal of universal brotherhood the keynote of our lives.
Source: David Pratt – David Bohm and the Implicit Order,